The following information was found in the Wilmington News Journal
December 24, 1920. One column was titled “Christmas”. Relevant
information from that column applies yet today. Christmas brings the
children to the front. Christmas tenders hearts and makes them
childlike. Christmas is the end of the year – a time to look at our
successes and failures. Christmas demands action before it repays
enjoyment. Christmas marks the anniversary of the birth of our Savior
– the great Giver of Gifts. He gave Himself for the world – the giving of
self is essential in both world and heavenly success.
We found some interesting tidbits in the Bloomington column.
Members of Grassy Run gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hester
after services Sunday morning. The dinner table was laden with all
good things and seventy-three persons enjoyed the bounty. F. B.
Aldridge gave a speech and presented Mrs. Hester a gift from her
friends. The prize promised by Mrs. Jane Telfair to the school child in
the township selling the most Red Cross Christmas seals was won by
Miss Maybelle Jamison and Miss Fields of Union School. The Sunshine
Class, Miss Mary Carter, teacher, of Grassy Run presented a fine
sectional bookcase to the Bible School last Sunday. Ed Peelle made the
presentation and P. B. Aldridge expressed the appreciation of the
school for the gift. Miss Louise Stroup of Columbus is visiting her
grandfather. She spent Tuesday visiting the school with her cousin,
Miss Elizabeth Briggs.
The Gobblers of Wilmington College held a Christmas dance at the
home of the Honorable and Mrs. M. R. Denver, parents of Miss Virginia
Denver. The members of the fraternity present were Frank Owen,
Clarence Renner, Robert Renner, Wilford Wood. Herman G. Cartwright,
Clarence J. Robinson, Sheldon Shrivers, J. W. Denver Williams, Frank C.
Haynes, Russell R. Clevenger, Harold M. Jay, Edwin P. Arthur, Richard
Hildebrant, Herbert C. Peterson, Albert Sliker, C. Earle Briggs, Albert
Harsha, Silas V. Jordan, Robert H. Farquhar, Roy Martindale, Robert C.
Champlin and M. Stanley West.
The girls who accompanied the fraternity were the Misses Tessie Beck,
Ethel Linton, Ruth Oren, Marie Smith, Letha Gallimore, Gertrude
Jordan, Martha Haines, Helen Dymond, Helen Louise Crawford, Cordelia
Murrell, Helen McCoy, Elizabeth Baugh, Helen Gallup, Margaret Shawn,
Mary Waltz, Ruth Esther Brann, Louise Johnson, Grace Edwards, Frankie
Starbuck, and Elizabeth Johns. Other guests of the evening included
Mrs. Kathryn Denver Williams, Mrs. O. J. Peeling, and Mrs. Hunt.
Villars Chapel was one of the social columns. Rebecca Millikan is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Matt Smith. Mr. and Mrs. James Baughman and
Mr. and Mrs. Merle Baughman were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Horace Kearns. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Harner and baby were Sunday
guests of G. M. Smith. Frank Windross and family visited Will Collins
and family Sunday.
New Vienna news of the day – Miss Eunice Riggs is spending the
holidays in Mansfield. Miss Riggs is the Domestic Science teacher at
New Vienna. Mary Derivan, who is teaching at Ottawa, is at home for
Christmas. Burch T. Penn, who is taking agriculture at Ohio State
University, is home for Christmas. Martha Sanders is at home from
Miami University for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Baugh and baby
of Columbus, Ohio are spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Penn.
One man’s definition of Christmas – A time of giving when the average
man selects something he needs most in the house and gives it to his
wife for a present.